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Spider Pest Control - Ensure

Hire the Best spiders control team in Dubai

Why do we hate Spiders?

Spiders are creepy. They can generate fear and are related to phobias. Their design is meant to cause such an effect on us.

We don’t want an eight-legged crawling over our living space even if they are normally not dangerous. Dangerous in the sense, they are not going to charge at us and attack us.

But there is a lot of damage spiders can do. Finding them in clothes, beds, towels and all those unexpected places can be very dreadful. If we see a spider, the fear lingers in us for at least an hour even after it goes away from our eyesight. Spiders can be effectively fear generating against bright walls and floors. Because they were never meant to be attractive.

Understand that almost all spiders are venomous in nature. Spiders trap flying and crawling insects in their webs or hunt their prey and inject venom on their prey, then suck out the liquified remains.

Can Spider bite kill us?

Many of the spiders produce venom for capturing their prey, but it is not harmful to human beings. In normal cases, spider bites won’t kill humans. But will cause considerable irritation, pain and sometimes requires serious medical treatment. That said, it is possible that we may encounter a spider that might actually prove really dangerous.

The venom produced by a few of the species like a brown recluse, black widow or the Red back spiders can cause serious issues and requires urgent medical treatment. There is a theory that Red Backs are not native to Dubai and reached here through cargo containers.

Let us not try our luck and learn about ways for spider control in Dubai.

The Best Option is Professional Spider Control?

If you simply cannot bear the sight of a spider roaming around your active living space, then yes, by all means, take professional help. They are affordable and cheap.

Luckily we have the best spider control services. It would be unwise to hand over your peace of mind to a small creature than take professional help. Because getting rid of spiders takes more than hitting one with a spray.

If you have kids in your living space, they can have elevated heartbeats and related symptoms in some cases. This is however not limited to children and some adults are also seen exhibiting such symptoms.

It is not just the fear or inability to have them in sight. Spiders, like many other pests seen in Dubai, are known to improve their population in a very small span of time. They can become available everywhere in a very short time frame.

This is not a welcome scene, no matter if we are having panic attacks or not.

Symptoms related to Spider Bites

The symptoms may vary from person to person and are related to which species of spider bite it is. But it is assumed that these are the common symptoms related to spider bites. It is always advised to take professional medical help and seek the best spider control when available

  • Redness and swelling
  • Itching or rashes
  • Muscle pain or cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating
  • Breathing problems
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Fever
  • Increase in blood pressure

How to Prevent Spiders?

The best way to control spiders is by reducing the food source of the spider. Spiders eat insects and flies, so by reducing the insect population in your area, you can efficiently reduce spiders. Unhygienic conditions attract all insects. Also, the spiders usually select undisturbed and uncleaned areas for making their webs. So here cleanliness plays an important role in controlling spiders. Always maintain your residential or commercial areas clean.

Pesticides and spiders

Spiders cannot be poisoned or baited like some other pests. Broadcast spraying of pesticides is not effective for spiders. The best way to treat the spider is either by spraying the pesticide directly on the spiders or the cracks & holes must be treated with pesticides with residual effect.

Organic solutions for Spiders

The spiders can be killed by some easily available organic pesticides. Direct spraying the peppermint oil or saltwater is very effective to kill the spiders.

Glue Traps

Sticky traps are widely used to trap spiders. Most of these traps do not contain any kind of attractant to attract the spiders. Placing the sticky traps in the right location will give you the best result. Here the main task is to identify the hiding areas of the spiders and the areas where the spiders go searching for their prey.