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Bed Bugs Control - Ensure

Hire the Expert bed bugs Pest control in Dubai

Yes, they do feed on us for survival

Bed bugs treat human blood as food. They often spread to places where people infested with bed bugs travel. This means you can get infected from the most unexpected places—like offices, cars, movie theatres, buses, trains, hotels, aircraft, or even a friendly visit to your old friend’s flat. To effectively eliminate these pests, professional bed bugs pest control in Dubai is crucial for ensuring a safe and bed bug-free environment.

Bed bugs are parasites that depend on creatures with warm blood. Bed Bugs rely on both mammals and humans for blood. This is how they evolved with time. With their mouths like straw, bed bugs have no teeth or tongue. So they are literally locked to this single source of food.
Bed bugs get the name mainly due to their active presence in human beds. They breed very fast and in large numbers. They are good at hiding too. This makes them difficult to get rid of, no matter how hard we try.

Another behaviour of bed bugs is that they feed on us when we are asleep. It is said that they bite for blood very close to the sunrise. This behaviour causes disturbed sleep and bed bugs are hated for this reason. They are seen as a huge annoyance and irritating factor, as sleep-deprived people tend to have terrible issues related to it.

How to get professional help from the best Bed bugs Pest Control in Dubai?

Baits do not work for bed bugs as they do for ants. Bed bugs are very unorganized and rely on large numbers to annoy us. Some artifacts may never be fully disinfected, and in some cases, abandoning a few items might be necessary for complete eradication. Ensure Pest Control Services has an excellent specialized team dedicated to bed bugs pest control in Dubai. The team is well-trained in inspections and chemical applications. Bed bugs are difficult to eradicate unless properly identified, and unlike other pests, they cannot be eliminated in a single treatment. Multiple professional treatments may be required to achieve 100% eradication.

Bed Bugs Breeding Rate - Ensure

Bed Bugs breeding rate is higher among pests

One bed bug lays close to half a thousand eggs in its lifetime and close to half a dozen each day. They are good at finding gaps in your bed, coat and nearby fixtures and multiply hugely. This is a reason why bed bugs are a nightmare because they run out of control in a very short span of time.

Bed bug bites will be clear only after a few days. They bite in a row and do around 3 bites per row.

Don’t give bed bugs a place to hide

The first and best method to deal with bed bugs is regular cleaning of your living space. Don’t give bed bugs places to hide. Professional bed bug pest control companies normally have a standard checklist for this process. And can help you design your regular cleaning method, arrangement and layout of furniture, placing of mattresses, gaps between coat and wall etc.

The proper arrangement, regular reordering and disinfestation methods can be very effective in case of these adamant pests that cause a great nuisance. Professional help is cheap and effective when you choose the right partner.

Quick tips on bed bug removal techniques

Clothes and bed sheets, pillow covers etc are the normal hiding place for bed bugs. One easy method to eliminate them is to put them in bags and use the laundry at 50 degrees Celsius. Such actions can make sure that they are eliminated because bed bugs cannot survive those extreme conditions.

Dry cleaning is also very effective and there is a good chance that we will be passing this menace to the dry cleaning company. Let us not do that because only a part of them will vanish, so there is no point in sharing this trouble with others for no reason.

Dispose of everything that we can. This includes bedsheets, blankets, pillow covers and at times, mattresses as well. It is hard for some to do this, but the trade-off is great. A good night’s sleep is almost priceless these days. And we only lose something that we can replace easily at a marginal cost.

Insecticides for bed bugs control

Ensure Pest control services use only effective and eco-friendly insecticides which are approved by Dubai Municipality and Ministry of Climate Change & Environment. Such insecticides are applied after conducting a thorough inspection where bed bugs take refuge such as beds, cracks, curtains, mattresses, furniture etc.

Hard to crack

It is only fair to say that bed bugs are small, fast-breeding and good at hiding and spreading. So there is a good chance that disinfestation is a multi-step process and takes more than one day to handle.