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Tips To Prevent Common Household Pests - Ensure
Posted On May 29, 2023
By Admin

Tips for Preventing Common Household Pests


Pests are seriously annoying, aren’t they? What can be more unpleasant and frustrating than witnessing these critters crawling all around? Cockroaches, mice, ants, and spiders are some of the usual household pests that contaminate food and cause severe damage to your property. If not treated at the right time, they can even pose health risks to everyone at home. Do you still think pest infestation is one such nuisance that cannot be eliminated? Well, then, with the right preventive measures and proper knowledge, you can quickly eradicate pest trouble. Let’s take a look at some of the effective pest management strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Understanding Common Household Pests

Identifying Common Household Pests

Pests are of a hundred different types! Be wise enough to comprehend what you are dealing with, before finding out the effective preventive measures. Get to know more about the familiar creatures you spot at home; bed bugs, mosquitoes, ants, and Cockroaches are some of the commonly visible creepy critters! Once you are familiar with their kinds, the elimination process becomes a lot easier than expected! Learn to identify their physical characteristics and behaviour patterns to spot any potential infestations early on.

Understanding Their Behavior

Different pests have unique behaviour patterns and preferences. For example, ants are attracted to food sources, while Cockroaches seek warm and humid areas. Understanding the behaviour of common pests can help you target prevention methods more effectively.

Preventing Common Household Pests

Maintaining Cleanliness and Hygiene

Keeping your home clean is one of the fundamental steps in preventing pests. Regularly clean and vacuum your living areas, paying close attention to areas where food particles may accumulate. Properly dispose of trash and ensure garbage bins are sealed tightly.

Sealing Entry Points

Pests can enter your home through small cracks and gaps. Inspect your home for potential entry points and seal them using caulk or weatherstripping. Focus on areas such as windows, doors, vents, and utility openings.

Eliminating Food Sources

Pests are often attracted to accessible food sources. Store food in airtight containers, clean up spills immediately, and don't leave pet food out overnight. Regularly clean your kitchen and pantry to remove any crumbs or food residues that might attract pests.

Managing Moisture Levels

Moisture can attract pests like Cockroaches and silverfish. Fix any plumbing leaks, ensure proper ventilation in areas prone to humidity, and use dehumidifiers if necessary. Avoid leaving standing water in sinks or buckets.

Using Natural Repellents

Natural repellents are indeed useful when it comes to pest control. You can undoubtedly add them to your pest-prevention arsenal. Mosquitoes are not so fond of marigolds, so try planting some to kick them off! Similarly, peppermint oil can be used to deter ants.

Pest-Proofing Specific Areas of Your Home

Kitchen and Pantry

The kitchen and pantry are prime targets for pests due to the presence of food. Keep countertops clean, store food properly, and regularly check for signs of pest activity. Use sealed containers for storing dry goods and inspect the packaging for any signs of infestation.


Bathrooms can attract pests due to moisture and plumbing access. Fix any leaks promptly, clean up standing water, and ensure proper ventilation. Seal any cracks or gaps around pipes and drains to prevent pests from entering.


Bedrooms should be kept clean and free of clutter. Regularly wash bedding and vacuum mattresses to reduce the chances of bed bug infestations. Seal any cracks or crevices around baseboards and windows.

Basement and Attic

Basements and attics can provide ideal conditions for pests to thrive. Inspect these areas for signs of pests regularly. Seal any cracks, repair damaged screens, and consider installing a mesh barrier to prevent rodents from entering.

Dealing with Infestations

Identifying an Infestation

Knowing the signs of a pest infestation is crucial for prompt action. Look for droppings, chewed wires, nests, or any unusual behaviour from pets. If you suspect an infestation, act quickly to prevent it from spreading further.

DIY Pest Control Methods

There are various DIY pest control methods you can try for minor infestations. This includes using traps, baits, or Natural repellents. Research the specific pest and choose the appropriate method carefully. However, for larger infestations or persistent problems, it's recommended to seek professional help.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are unable to handle the tough pest attack alone, don’t hesitate to seek professional aid. The finest pest control specialists will have the expertise and equipment to tackle the mess. Not all DIYs may be successful. However, you cannot compromise on the health and safety of your loved ones! If you are dealing with pests that pose severe health issues, getting in touch with an expert team will be the best course of action.


Preventing common household pests requires a proactive approach and a combination of preventive measures. By maintaining cleanliness, sealing entry points, eliminating food sources, managing moisture, and employing Natural repellents, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a pest infestation in your home. Regular inspections, prompt action when signs of infestation are detected, and seeking professional help, when needed, are crucial for effective pest control.

Are natural repellents effective against pests?

While Natural repellents can be useful, they may not provide complete protection on their own. They should be used in conjunction with other preventive measures for optimal results.

How can I seal entry points effectively?

To seal entry points, use caulk, weatherstripping, or mesh barriers. Pay attention to areas like windows, doors, vents, and utility openings.

When should I hire a professional pest control service?

Consider hiring a professional pest control service if your DIY efforts have failed, the infestation is severe, or if the pests pose health risks. Professionals can provide effective treatment and long-term prevention strategies.