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Tips To Keep Fruit Flies Away - Ensure
Posted On May 17, 2021
By Admin

5 Intelligent Tips To Keep Fruit Flies At Bay | Ensure

Fed up with the constant buzzing of fruit flies? Food sources entice these critters the most. Exterminate the uninvited guests using the effective home remedies below.

Eliminate The Food Sources

Identifying the arrival points is the first line of eliminating the nasty fruit flies. Since these critters breed very fast, it is necessary to take the right action, before it gets too late. Fruit flies usually hang around food and garbage. So, don’t forget to inspect all such areas. They will not bother to return if the access to the food sources is completely shut.

Fruit flies love to thrive in moist and warm surroundings. Keep the kitchen clean, at all times. Treat the cloggy drains. Check for any sort of fly activity in the garbage bins too. Clean up the food spills and stains immediately. All of these can entice the ugly pests!

Rotten Food Acts As A Bait

Fruit flies are strongly fond of food, just like us. They are often seen clinging to open food sources and trash bins. If the stubborn infestation is not ended at the right time, the challenges double up. A rotten food trap can quickly resolve the pest issue. If there are some rotten fruits and veggies or some leftover food, don’t dump them.

Instead, put them in a disposable container. Seal it with a tight plastic wrap, then. Make tiny holes in the wrap. Check the spots where the irritants congregate and place the container in such corners. Carry out this process until all the flies vanish.

Give Swimming Pool Trap A Try

Ever heard of a swimming pool trap before? Well, this is one of the easiest and most cost-efficient fruit fly-repelling ideas. There are thousands of other interesting and effective fly-repulsing remedies crowding the internet. Some red wine and dish detergent are needed to perform this hack.

Into a clean disposable container, add some red wine and a few drops of dish detergent. Stir the mixture before covering the container with plastic wrap. While making holes, ensure that they are large enough for the critters to get through. The intensity of the invasion can be reduced in just a wink, provided this trick is correctly done.

Vinegar Solution Works Great

Vinegar is always the best when it comes to tackling stains and pests. This mystical cleaning agent can also be used to kick fruit flies off your place. A vinegar trap is also easy-to-make and will not consume much time and energy.

Take a disposable container and add a cup or two of water to it. A few tablespoons of sugar and vinegar should then be added to the container. Stir the solution after adding a drop of dish soap. Place the bowl in the high-traffic zones and wait for the magical results. The flies will go away for good within seconds.

Consider Some Professional Aid

If suppose the infestation is bad, seek professional assistance without giving it a second thought. The finest team of exterminators in the city can eradicate the arrogant fruit fly invasion in flash.