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Ticks Control - Ensure

Hire the Expert ticks control team in Dubai

Ticks are parasites and they do not like heat or sunlight. So they are always under leaves, grasses, firewood stack, heaped ground etc where they can find a shade or a cooler environment. They cannot fly or jump. They climb on plants or grasses to come in contact with humans or animals passing by and lay hold within the host. After finding a suitable spot in the host, the ticks start biting and sucking the blood. The ticks remain in the host's body for some more days and grow bigger by sucking enough blood .. Then the tricks will be detached automatically. The tick bites are painless and can be noticed only by visual inspection. Normally, the bitten area gets red and swollen with a hot feel if we touch it. Red patches may appear all over the skin. Ticks can infest your pest and thereby get to humans. Ticks are known to spread a number of diseases apart from the bites which are irritating enough to handle.

Ticks can harm humans and pets alike

The not so fun fact about ticks control is that they cannot jump or fly. But they can scale shrubs and grasses and try to get in contact with humans and animals who rub against them. Once they get to one of their “ prey “ it is time for these pests to feed on human / pets’ blood. Ticks treat human and animal blood as food.

Ticks can transfer a number of diseases. But such transfers are not instant. Diseases are usually transmitted when ticks lock to us or pets for hours devouring our blood. Ticks are good at not causing pain while biting their hosts. There is a good chance we will never know about them for hours unless we are going to do a visual inspection.

Are all Ticks the same?

No, there are numerous species of them. And not all ticks transfer diseases. But there are enough that feed on our blood and transfer diseases. We may need to take the best help from a professional pest control company to deal with this menace if it gets out of hand. Ensure is one of the pest control companies in Dubai that can help us to get rid of the problem professionally and in a cheap and affordable manner.

Tips for ticks control

Regular inspection in Ticks control

The best way to deal with Ticks is by visual inspection. It is one method that always works without much error. A healthy vision is capable of finding Ticks with ease in the case of pets, children and the human body.

We need to go through this process once in a while for pets that are more prone to be infected by Ticks. Proper grooming of pets can help a lot in Tick control. Especially in the case of dogs.

Pets are one regular route that Ticks make into our living space.

Another important tip while dealing with Tick control is that we should use proper protective gears to ensure that we are actually not spreading the infestation. This gear should be properly sanitised once the inspection is complete.

Also, make sure that there are no holes or other malfunctions in this gear before using them.

Use of pesticides in Ticks control

Pesticides are the only easy remedy when Ticks gets out of control. This is the one area where we need to be very careful. Always make sure that we are adhering to the right process. Each pet has a different disinfectant. We are not supposed to use one as a standard for all.

We should never use disinfectant for dogs on cats. Neither should we use those of adult pets on kittens or puppies. What works on one group may prove poisonous on another, especially infants. The prescribed dose is in most cases directly proportional to the weight of the animal.

Do not apply any other cleaning methods before using insecticides, including Ticks shampoo.

You can always take professional Ticks control services’ help for the right combination and use of insecticides.

Repellents in Tick control

Organic Ticks repellent are available in the market that meets the standards set by the authorities in Dubai and other regulatory agencies. If you are unsure, talk to us and we can help you find the right repellent, organic or otherwise.

Keep your surroundings Tick free

Ticks come into our home from the surrounding area. Rodents play a big role in bringing ticks to our surroundings and spreading them from one area to another. From the grass, it gets into our pets. Keeping our surroundings clean and well-groomed can have a great impact on Tick infestation and is often considered as one of the best preventive methods.