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Expert Cockroach Control Team - Ensure

Hire the Expert Cockroach Pest Control in Dubai

There are more than 3,500 species of cockroaches identified so far. They are known carriers of bacteria, germs, and viruses, thereby contaminating food and spreading many diseases. Cockroaches are cold-blooded insects and can survive without food for days. They are one of the most adaptable insects in nature, making their control difficult. They can even survive being submerged underwater for more than an hour. If you're facing a cockroach infestation, professional cockroach pest control in Dubai can help eliminate them effectively and ensure a hygienic environment.

The generally seen cockroach species are American cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches and German cockroaches.

Many industrial insecticides no longer work on cockroaches because they became immune to them. We need to experiment with new insecticides. It is also beneficial to use organic solutions which have proved very effective in many cases in Dubai.

Also, they are very persistent pests who try to come back no matter how hard we deal with them. That is why cockroach control needs some guidance and professional help. Ensure pest control Services is a cheap and affordable option in Dubai that you can trust.

Cockroach Life Cycle

A cockroach's life span may vary depending on the conditions. Normally a cockroach can survive up to 12 months. Three stages are there in a cockroach life cycle which includes an Egg, Nymph and an adult. A female cockroach can lay a maximum of 40 eggs at a time. A cockroach can survive in all adverse conditions.

How cockroaches spread diseases

Cockroaches can eat anything ranging from garbage to fecal matter. The bacteria, viruses, and germs present in their feed can survive in the digestive system of cockroaches for a long time. When cockroaches defecate in food, it becomes contaminated, leading to the direct ingestion of harmful pathogens like Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Streptococcus, and Poliovirus. To prevent such health risks, professional cockroach pest control in Dubai is essential for keeping your environment safe and hygienic.

Professional pest control techniques for eliminating cockroaches


Our experts conduct a thorough inspection and find out the all the hiding spots of the cockroaches such as wall cracks, other undisturbed areas, Kitchen cupboards, near to water heaters, drains, under sinks etc and find out the source of the cockroaches Then a through spot treatment will be conducted by using Dubai Municipality approved pesticide. A detailed report will be given to the client regarding the preventive actions to be implemented for avoiding the reoccurrence.

Spraying insecticides

Are cockroaches getting out of hand? It is not time for strategies and wise moves. The best plan of action is to spray insecticides on infected areas. While this can be very efficient in the immediate reduction of cockroaches. Some of the insecticides are having a residual effect and the effect can last for more than 3 months.

Baits for the cockroaches

Now that we have controlled the overshooting population of cockroaches, we need to confirm that they do not get out of hand again. To make sure that cockroach infection is not thriving, it is important that we keep our place as clean as possible. But cockroaches will still find their way. To deal with such cases, we can use baits. Such pest control options available for us in Dubai are either in powder or gel form. Set them as baits where we have cockroach problems. But make sure that they remain hidden from humans and pets.

Cockroach baits are widely used for controlling cockroach infestation. These baits contain a combination of an attractant and a poison. The attractant attracts cockroaches and it consumes poison. The cockroaches will die and others eat them and the cycle repeats.

As mentioned above, if there is food waste around, baiting may not work as we intend. Maintain a certain level of cleanliness if you want the cockroach infection in control.

Prevention Methods

Now that we have got professional help, our premises are clean and there is very little or no cockroach infection. It is a very pleasant feeling when compared to what we have before. But there are things that we cannot control. For example, cockroaches live in other places too. What if they try to give us a visit repeating the old saga?

Let us see what we can do as a part of pest control if cockroaches come from outside.

Exercise cleaning methods as wide as possible. Do not keep it minimal and inside the premises alone.

Make sure they have no place to hide. That includes space under the refrigerator, washing machine, cupboards, storage boxes and racks.

Make sure that pet foods are not attracting cockroaches. It would be wise to feed pets outside your home for better results.

Clean the utensils before you go to sleep so that food waste cannot act as an attraction.

Regularly check and clean, garbage cans and do not let things accumulate just outside your premises where you can control.

Remember, before pest control service ..

There are a few things that we need to assure before handing over everything to professionals.

  • Give the team proper access to all parts of the home
  • Make sure that you do a minor cleaning to remove cloths and other materials that do not want to come into play while professionals are attending to the issue
  • Make sure that regular food and edibles are safely tucked out of the way. They should be properly packed so that they do not have traces of insecticide.
  • Pets and people with medical conditions should not stay within the premises while professionals are using their tools and chemicals
  • Pregnant women and people with allergies are also advised to move outside the area of action.
  • Do not use an air conditioner during the process, or for a few hours after it. Make sure that you have waited until the room is ready for clean air.
  • Try to keep the windows open while cleaning and for a few hours so that the premises can flush out the insecticides in the air through the normal airflow.
Pest Control Service - Ensure