Winter Mosquito Control: Why It’s Still Important for Better Sleep
Today's lifestyle is so dynamic that we need to prioritise certain
factors. One such factor is sleep. It is necessary to have a good
sleep for a fresh start and a rejuvenated morning for the next day.
There are many elements that bring a hindrance to our sleep
cycle. One such factor is the mosquitoes present in our house
and residential areas. Mosquitoes deteriorate our sleep; in fact,
they are the reason for many hazardous diseases. Therefore, it is
essential to have mosquito control.
Why mosquito control is relevant in winter.
It is a general concept that mosquitoes breed in stagnant water.
We always have a notion that mosquito control is necessary
during the summer season, as mosquitos breed during summer.
But the fact is that the female mosquitoes after mating will
hibernate in the winter season and breed during the summer. As
the old say, “Precaution is better than cure.”. It is highly
recommended to have mosquito control during the winter season.
Maintaining mosquito control is a necessary action for the
betterment of sleep, hygiene, and health.
There may be many villains in our dream but the mosquito is the
real villain of our sleep. Do you agree? Of course, Certain
concerns are connected with mosquitoes and a night of good
● Itchy bites: Whenever we think of mosquitoes, the very first
thing that comes to our mind is the bite and the aftereffects.
May be afraid of mosquitoes, so we use a big blanket to
cover ourselves, switch on the fan at full speed, and cover
ourselves with a sweater. The itching is so painful and it
makes it difficult to have a relaxing and deep sleep.
● Sound: it is the characteristic of a mosquito to buzz and fly to
connect to the blood source. Be it a deep sleep, the non-stop
buzzing of mosquitoes near our ears can’t let us sleep
● Health concern: Bites from mosquitoes lead to many diseases
like malaria, Dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and many
more. No matter the size of the mosquito, the virus it carries
can lead to very serious health problems.
● It is another element that everyone nowadays pays more
attention to skin. The sensitivity causes damage that comes
to our skin and can be caused too by mosquitos. Mosquito
bites can deteriorate our skin depending on the impact of
sensitivity and texture.
Practical Winter Mosquito Control Tips
To ensure better sleep and lead a quality life, there are several
tips to keep in mind to be practiced even after deep mosquito
● Seal the entry points in your residences. There will be a seal.
points near windows and doors and fill the gaps in the
ventilation; fill the gaps wherever the place mosquitoes can
come should be filled and closed.
● Always avoid stagnation of water. Chances of stagnant water
can cause a foul smell and breeding hub for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes
and other pests are always attracted to moisture. It is to
make sure the kitchen and bathrooms are
cleaned and maintain hygiene.
● As the betterment of sleep is being explained through. It is
highly recommended to use mosquito nets around the bed;
opting for mosquito nets can prevent the entry of mosquitoes
while sleeping.
● Use of effective and approved mosquito repellents; these
repellents can be sprayed under the sofas, between the
furniture, and inside the cupboard in the kitchen. There are
perfumed incense sticks that act just like the repellents,
which are equivalent in their usage.
● Hygiene should be maintained, no matter which season. It is
always recommended to keep our surroundings neat and
clean for improved sleep as well as health.
The control for mosquito breeds can be done by ourselves with
DIY and other home remedies. But it is always effective when we
approach a team for professional and efficient results. An
impactful mosquito control that lasts for a longer period is ensured
at our service. Ensure pest control services are the best pest
control services in Dubai. Offering both commercial and
residential pest control services.
To avail yourself of the services of Ensure, Pest Control Dubai, we
are located in Dubai; we also offer services in Sharjah. To contact
us and know more about us, please visit our website.