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Tick-Free Lawns:  Understanding the Fly Life Cycle and Its Role in Disease Spread
Posted On 25 jan, 2025
By Admin

Understanding the Fly Life Cycle and Its Role in Disease Spread

Houseflies are not just a nuisance, but pose a major threat to public health. They are known to play a significant role in spreading at least 65 diseases to humans. In the wake of this fact, understanding the fly life cycle becomes very important to control their populations and protect our health.

Life Cycle of a Fly

There are four distinct stages in a fly life cycle:

The Egg - Stage 1:

Can you believe, a single female fly can lay hundreds of eggs at a time! Their favourite spots to lay eggs include garbage, rotting food, and even animal waste. These eggs are so tiny, it would be hard for you to even notice

The Larvae - Stage 2:

The eggs, within 24 hours, hatch into white, legless larvae, also called maggots. Maggots feed for three to five days from the site where eggs were laid. During this time, they molt (shed their skin and grow a new one) several times. The growth that they attain during this stage is just phenomenal.

The Pupa - Stage 3:

Once the maggot is fully grown, it can crawl up to fifty feet to a cool, dry spot, where it transforms to the pupal stage. This inactive stage is completed in a hard, protective pupal case, formed from the last larval skin. Inside this casing, a remarkable change occurs. The body segments and limbs start growing. Under warmer conditions, it just takes three to six days for the adult fly to develop.

The Adult - Stage 4:

And now, it's time to break free. The fly comes out, finds a mate, lays eggs, and continues the cycle of life. It has, at most, three months to reproduce, before it dies.

The Role of Flies in Disease Spread

Here's how flies spread germs:

Pouring saliva out

Flies love to feed on rotting matter. During this process, they pick up germs. Once they come and sit on our food, they often pour out their saliva. This is how germs spread and our food becomes unsafe to eat.

Carrying Germs on their Bodies

The bodies of flies are covered in tiny hairs. Their feet also have sticky pads. These hairs and pads trap bacteria and viruses from surfaces they land on. When flies sit on our food or utensils, they transfer these harmful germs to them.

Fecal Droppings

Flies poop a lot. The poop contains many germs, which are transferred to things flies sit on.

  • ● Keep it short: Regularly mow your lawn especially in areas prone to tick infestations. This reduces tick habitat and makes it easier to spot ticks. Exposure to sunlight kills them.

  • ● Remove Debris: Clear away leaf litter, fallen branches, and any bush piles that can act as ideal hiding spots for ticks. Ensure your lawn is free of overgrown vegetation and tall weeds.

  • ● Create a tick-free perimeter: Create a clear boundary between your lawn and surrounding wooded areas by using gravel, wood chips, or stones, preventing ticks from easily entering your property.

Landscaping Strategies:

Common Diseases Spread by Flies

Flies can spread a bunch of diseases, including:

Landscaping Strategies:

Typhoid: Caused by Salmonella Typhi, leading to fever, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Cholera: Causes severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Dysentery: A group of diarrheal diseases caused by various bacteria.

Salmonellosis: Caused by Salmonella, resulting in diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.

Shigellosis: An infection that can cause severe diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.

Parasitic diseases:

Intestinal worms: Flies can carry the eggs of parasites and then pass on to human beings.

Viral diseases:

Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Flies can spread the virus that causes this eye infection.

Skin conditions

Myiasis: This condition is caused by maggots digging into the skin. You feel a creepy crawling sensation .

Fly Control Methods

Keep Things Clean

  • ● Keep your home clean. .

  • ● Don't let trash pile up. Take it out regularly. Use sealed bins.

  • ● Keep food covered.

  • ● Remove food spills quickly.

  • ● Keep your drains flowing smoothly.

Prevent Flies from using Mating Spots

  • ● Don't let water pool. Remove rotting stuff.

  • ● Clean compost bins and pet waste areas regularly.

Block them

  • ● Place fly screens on windows and doors.

  • ● Set up fly traps in places where they may be found.

  • ● Hang some sticky tapes where you see a lot of flies.

Natural Remedies

  • ● Use lavender, lemongrass, peppermint essential oils to scare off flies.

  • ● Plant mint, basil or lavender in your garden.

  • ● Use cinnamon as air freshener.


  • ● If cleanliness methods don't work, consider using insecticides. Always follow the safety instructions carefully.

Get in touch with Professional Pest Control Services

  • ● If the problem is serious, contact a professional pest control company.


Understanding the fly life cycle and their role in spreading diseases highlights the importance of pest control. If you’re dealing with a fly problem, make cleanliness a priority and take appropriate measures. By doing so, you can protect your family from the serious health risks they can cause..

Having trouble with flies? Let Ensure Pest Control help. We use effective and safe ways to get rid of them. Whether you need pest control services in Sharjah or pest control in Discovery Gardens, we’re here to help you create a pest-free environment.